Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ronaldo's Freekick

So just how good was Ronaldo's freekick yesterday? You be the judge.

*Content removed due to copyright issues*

That just sums it up huh? Rightly or wrongly, the Premiership claims rights to all videos, hence the video has been removed from the source. Unfortunately, in the end, the fans, people like you and me, are the ones who suffer.

2nd Edit:
Well, almost as soon as I posted the above, I received an email of a working link. Let's hope this one stays up.


Anonymous said...

a bit silly of the epl. the more such goals are circulated, the more fans will tune in to their product.

anyway, here's another link in case yours has been taken down.

Ronaldo's Goal

spectre said...


Good point there. Can never understand how things are run over there. You would think having access and exposure would heighten the image of the EPL around the world.

BTW, thanks for the link. I'm sure it'll come in handy.

Gentleman said...

Hahaha, I was about to give you a link to the goals but when I saw that the content was removed. Seems like you don't need it anymore? Hehe.

spectre said...

Hi Jiahao,

Feel free to add links. You may never know where the long arms of the EPL will reach. I wouldn't be surprised if the 'offending' video is taken down anytime. ;o)

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