Saturday, November 01, 2008

Up In Flames

Disaster struck in the worst way possible today. My pc finally gave in to the constant kicking it receives whenever we play like crap, and decided to spontaneously combust in protest. That's right, it literally burst out in flames.

So right now, I'm stuck with a dodgy internet connection on a very old laptop. What this means is that there's a high chance I'm going to miss the next 3-4 games until a new desktop arrives. If I do somehow manage to catch the games, reviews will not be as prompt. Moreover, it's slow as hell just typing this post without having it to pause every few seconds.

Another thing to note, I'm now exclusively on Internet Explorer (utterly crap browser) and I realise that the blog is best viewed with Firefox. I dressed the blog up using Firefox and hence the alignments, fonts and colours all work best with it.

Lastly, and most importantly, for those of you who do know me personally, please do not use my singnet email account. I have no idea when the new desktop will arrive and I have no means to check that account on this laptop. So if there are any urgent messages, especially from Beijing, please use my yahoo account. I would have kept sent you all an email privately, but my contacts have gone up in flames.

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